Ziplock Bag Greenhouse Effect
Sup ya'll. Last year I was successful in getting some seeds to grow from placing the seeds in a zip lock bag, along with a piece of paper towel, a few drops of water, seeds, and taping them to the window allowing the sunlight to work its magic. About a month ago, I did the same thing and planted them in some soil. I am enjoying the process of that. In the meantime, I decided to do it a third time and maybe share the process. In the zip lock bags I have the following seeds: Rosemary Carrot Mint Catnip Spinach Red Cherry Tomato Stevia Borage English Tall Lavender German Chamomile Thyme Sugar Baby Watermelon Purple Petra Basil I will make an effort to share the process and success rate of these guys as well as the planted ones that are happy in some soil.